Manforce Staylong

Manforce Staylong

Monday, Dec 22, 2014 0 comment(s)

The Secret to Lasting Longer in Bed 

The success of a relationship depends on many factors: communication, trust, diversity, fun and sex. This is a common concern of many couples: hope they have more, dream about how to make it more interesting... Hopefully it will last longer.

Really exciting sex is determined by discussion and varies greatly among couples. Some people can't get enough super vanilla missionary positions... Others have an unknown sex dungeon in the basement.

What we know is that men and women have very specific ideas about how long sex lasts, and dreams are largely different from reality.

One thing is clear: after rolling in the hay, both sides should be satisfied.

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Try Promescent Delay Spray

Want to sleep in bed a little longer? Use the delayed spray approved by our urologist once and see the results immediately. Don't mess up, don't make a fuss - it's just better sex.

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Method of prolonging bedtime

We have studied hundreds of ways to prolong bedtime. With some of our favorite techniques, you can learn how to stay in bed longer. For men with premature ejaculation (PE), like millions of men in the world (30% of the global male population), you can also stay in bed longer now. Don't let your fear of beating sports become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, what's our favorite way to extend sex time?

Using Delay Spray

Desensitization products have been proven to be effective. The spray has the least side effects and can be used without prescription. Looking for high quality products, there's an absorption formula that keeps you feeling great, but mainly eliminates transfers to your partner.

However, some of the spray on the market will make you numb. On the other hand, shortsightedness provides mild, targeted desensitization and minimal loss of sexuality - it will not be transferred to your partner. (There is even a scientific study showing that its effectiveness makes it the only clinical proof of Delay Spray in North America.

More foreplay

Slow stimulation will keep you going longer. Start with foreplay. Starting with various forms of foreplay, you adapt your penis to slowly increasing stimuli, so when it comes to sexual intercourse, your penis goes from 45 to 60, not from 0 to 60.

Gender-specific positions

Certain sexual postures can help men delay orgasm, especially those that reduce insertion depth or exert more pressure on the top of the penis. Here are some basic positions that can help you stay longer - without a Kama Sutra or a JIUJITSU partner.

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