Disadvantage of masturbation

Disadvantage of masturbation

Monday, Dec 22, 2014 0 comment(s)

What Are the Benefits of Male Masturbation?

In addition to the obvious benefits of masturbation, there are many physical, psychological, and personal benefits to taking care of yourself in this way. In fact, masturbation has many benefits in order to overcome many sexual problems or solve problems you are trying to solve. These benefits go beyond orgasm.

It Can Help Communication With Your Partner

When you are in a whirlpool of passion, it may be difficult to accurately explain what you need from your partner to make sure you reach your final destination. You want them to do this with their mouths, but if they don't understand, how do you effectively control your desires? This is where masturbation is the coach of relationships that improve communication skills.

It Can Strengthen Your Self-Esteem

No matter how often you exercise, how many times you choose leptin and leafy vegetables instead of burgers and chips, or how many times you are told how serious you are, it is normal to have some physical insecurity. Whether you want your lower abdomen to be less slack, or if you think your arm is not strong enough, no matter what you are struggling with your body image, it looks even more tense when you make love. guess what? Masturbation can help!

It Helps You Relax

When you are stressed and anxious, no matter how hard you can't fall asleep, masturbation provides natural chemicals that feel good and relax, helping you calm down.

Masturbation relieves stress, improves sleep, and improves mood, because endorphins (such as dopamine and oxytocin) are released into the blood at high tide, making people feel relaxed and happy.

It Helps Fix Erectile Dysfunction Issues

If you work hard to adapt to this occasion, or stay strong throughout the performance, you may be self-conscious about your performance. While some men experience an erectile dysfunction that may or may not require medical care and prescription, at other times masturbation may be a quick way to solve the problem, especially if your partner has a chance to warm up properly. finished.

It Keeps You Healthy for the Long Term

Healthy, strong sexual desire is not only good for your partner, but your extra attention to masturbation and maintaining sexual health can also provide you with long-term health benefits. This is good for your heart, good for your libido, and, if you think about it, it's an arm exercise. In fact, masturbation may keep you until middle age.

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