Head In Pussy

Head In Pussy

Monday, Dec 22, 2014 0 comment(s)

How do you make your head in pussy last as long as possible

Buying a head in pussy is a huge investment -- both financially and sexually. Once you put that money in, you want it to last as long as possible. How you use, clean and store it can make a big difference.

Here's what you know to get the most out of your favorite head in pussy.

Reduce fluid and oils in the skin

Reduce the amount of fluid and oil on your skin - using it will make your body dirty (obviously, right?). So, if you want to keep your skin clean and reduce the chance of rough skin, the best option is to reduce the amount of fluid or oil on your skin first. But we're not telling you not to masturbate with your favorite stroker! We would never do that. Instead, consider wearing a condom when you play.

Even with condoms, you still need to clean your body, but cleaning is much easier. If you masturbate with a condom on, all you have to do is throw out your condom and rinse your skin quickly with soap and water. You do not need to dismantle it and perform all the following steps.

Clean your body properly

Does the idea of using a flesh-naked condom make you cringe? We get it. If you're going to play with your adult toys (who can blame you?

Break it down completely. Remove the cover and shell and clean the casing separately.

Use hot water, soap or broth, and broth toner. If you're using meat extract, wash the sleeves thoroughly, let them dry a little, and spray on the clothes. Rinse once.

Don't boil or microwave your meat and don't use alcohol-based cleaners. These methods will destroy the supra-dermal substances and destroy your skin tone.

Wash your head in pussy as soon as possible after use. Allowing lube oil and other liquids to linger too long can ruin your glow. If nothing else, it becomes gross, making it harder to use when you're in a bad mood.

The box body and end cover should also be cleaned. You can use soap, water, alcohol and other plastic - safe detergents. What you need to be careful about is the super hose, because over time, this material can damage your toys.

Keep super soft skin

Keeping your skin soft and properly cleaned will leave your skin with a long-lasting glow and you want it to make you feel good. This is where the meat renewal powder comes in handy. Once your skin is clean and dry, apply a thin layer of powder. Don't rinse or rub it off, just let it soak into the material and stay there. This will keep your sleeves soft for a long time.

Don't use talcum powder in this process! It breaks down the material and kills your stroker. If you want to use something other than a meat light renewal powder, choose cornstarch powder.

Reassemble and store

Make sure the head in pussy is completely dry before you put it back in place. Leave all the debris outside to dry. Place it in a moist area to allow mold and bacteria to grow and spread on your flesh. Disgusting!

Once dry, put the meat back together. If you're not going to use it for a while, put the lid on. This will prevent dust and debris from entering the casing. Store meat in a cool, dry place until you are ready to use it again.

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