how to use a cock ring

how to use a cock ring

Monday, Dec 22, 2014 0 comment(s)

The cock ring, also known as the penis ring or endurance ring, is an erectile enhancer designed to make the penis temporarily harder and larger - to stay longer.

This wonderful ring is worn at the base of the penis or behind the testicles and exerts its magical power by contracting away from the bloodstream at the base of the penis. This in turn creates a feeling of tension, which most people find very pleasant.

When the ejaculation is finally reached, the climax is enhanced by keeping the nerves very sensitive by the sudden release of pressure that keeps the blood flowing in one area. The cock ring quickly became one of the most popular sex toys for straight men and gay men, which is correct. It enhances erectile function and brings more sexual experience to men and his partners, making this smart gadget the most attractive.

Before you rush to add this beautiful thing to your shopping cart, you should know the ins and outs of the cock rings.

Who will wear cock ring?

  • Men seeking to achieve harder and bigger erections
  • Men with erectile dysfunction
  • Men wishing to achieve longer stamina
  • Men pursuing pleasure and sensational sex
  • Men wanting to please their female partner with clitoral stimulation

How do you wear a cock ring?

    Let's first take a look at this project for sex toys. The most common shape of the cock ring is a circular design, although some shapes are tie shapes, so the tightness around the penis can be adjusted.

    Unadjustable rings should be placed on a loose penis. Place the ring under the testicles and insert your family jewelry one at a time. Pass the penis through the ring and the head first to make sure it feels comfortable. The ring should be as close as possible to your body. Once the ring is in place, the penis will rise to the occasion and your penis ring will feel tighter. Reverse these steps and remove the unadjustable ring from the loose penis.

    During the erection, you can place the adjustable ring at any point by the tension ring, so that it fits snugly against the root of the penis or behind the testicle - it's up to you. Like an unadjustable ring, once your penis is hard, the penis ring feels tight. When you remove the adjustable ring, simply stretch the ring to slide it down.

    So what size are you?

    The penis has a variety of shapes and sizes of color, and the cock ring is also. To get your size, you need a tape measure, a rope or something similar. Wrap it around the root of the erect penis with a tape measure or a rope. This will give you the perimeter. If your gonad doesn't like to be shackled behind, put the measuring tape or rope behind the testicles when standing upright. Make sure you measure the area around your body as much as possible. If you plan to include testicles when using a chicken ring, this will give you a perimeter.

Which ring is right?

    Adjustment ring

  • Suitable for beginners, easy to put on and take off;
  • Provide versatility as it can be worn at the bottom of the penis or behind the testicles;
  • Not only for the newly added chicken ring game - the middleman and the chicken ring master still prefer to use the adjustable ring because they provide the ability to control tightness and stress.

    Non-adjustable ring

  • Ideal for penis ring specialists because they provide extra weight and hardness;
  • Made of metal, stainless steel, wood or any other hard, non-flexible material;
  • Must have accurate measurements;


  • Great for beginners because they are easy to slip and move;
  • It is essentially an elastic ring, usually made of rubber, silicon or nitrite;
  • Provides versatility as it can be stretched to the bottom of the penis or behind the testicles;
  • The circumference of the shaft should be slightly larger than the O-ring; no precise measurement is required when the ring extends and fits the various penis sizes.

    Vibrating ring

  • An adjustable or O-shaped cock ring attached to the vibrating bullet;
  • Very suitable for couples (heterosexual or homosexual) because it has a great stimulating effect on her clitoris or scrotum;

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