Penis Inside Vagina
Yes, the penis may be too big to fit the vagina when penis inside vagina- Here’s What to Do About It
Given that the vagina is designed to stretch so much that another person can pass through it, you'd think it would easily fit an erect penis of any size. At rest, the average length of the tube is 3.7 inches. But when you're sexually aroused, it elongates, lubricates and expands - so even sex with XL is slippery and comfortable.
But it turns out that sometimes the penis may be too big to fit penis inside vagina.
It's a very rare situation but there are some men who are so endowed with it that it makes certain positions difficult or painful. The average length of an erect penis is 5.1 inches, but even a man a few inches larger has trouble adjusting. (the largest recorded erect penis clock is 13 inches or more... Oh.
Another penile - vaginal fit problem relates to a woman's age. In your 20s, 30s and 40s, naturally, your estrogen levels are high, keeping vaginal tissue soft. This makes the vagina more extensible and less sensitive.
However, once you reach menopause, your body's estrogen output dives. With less natural lubrication, the average or larger penis may be difficult to accommodate without causing pain and friction for both men and women.
It could be like some penises are too small, some vaginas too. Therefore, a particularly large penis will be a mismatch of small vaginas. Some vaginas are bigger than others... It's individual-based.
Well, if your vagina can't comfortably accommodate his penis, what should you do? Extra foreplay can help; The more you are awakened, the more lubrication your body can produce, which makes things slippery and elastic. Store online-bought lubricants are also a good idea.
Stick to a gender stance that allows you to be in control, like a woman or a reverse cowgirl. When you're in charge of depth and speed, he won't be able to go so deep or push so fast that it feels uncomfortable. Keeping your legs extended also helps because it lengthens your vagina.
If the problem stems from menopause, I recommend that women use estrogen creams and vaginal dilators after I take my estrogen. Try to find an expander the size of a man. With lubricant, you can see if it can accommodate the penis. If you try several strategies and nothing seems to work, it doesn't hurt to check with your partner.