Premature Ejaculation
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This Wolftooth sleeve will make you and your partner howl of pleasure. Give you those extra few cent..
Isn’t it time that you took your sex life back and reignite the love, passion, and sex! Stop li..
This pump will most definitely extend your length as well as increase the duration of your erection,..
Male: 66% thicker + 2 inches immediately! The material of the penis sleeve is amazingly realistic..
Open up your partner wider than ever before!This hollow girth expander slips easily onto your penis ..
The Bathmate Hydromax7 (formerly Hydromax30) penis pump is perfect for men who wish to have a bigger..
Bathmate Hercules penis pump works on hydro technology that helps you get a bigger penis. This penis..
This affordable and effective penis vacuum pump can also be used to treat erectile dysfunction, leav..
Adds girth and length to your penis.Dives you and your partner into never ending pleasure!It's not o..
Turn your penis into an instant pleasure machine with the incredible Fantasy Penis tensions!Your Fan..
Intensify pleasure for both of you and add inches instantly with the Vibrating Pleasure sleeve! ..
Get bigger in no time!Super-realistic penis extension sleeve for an increase of 2 inch in length.Vib..
A superior quality extender built to give a lifetime of pleasure!Feature:Revolutionary Silicone Natu..
Thanks to the expander, you can easily reach more length and girth and this will especially please y..
Features:Revolutionary Silicone Nature penis sleeveProudly made of blends of very high grade premium..
Return to bed after treatment for premature ejaculation
Treating the
physical problems associated with premature
ejaculation is sometimes only half the problem. Some saints suggested
returning to the saddle.
Even if you
have trouble with premature ejaculation
and find a treatment that can help you stay in bed for a long time, you may
still experience other side effects. When it comes to intimacy, like sex, you
get stuck in your skin every time. No doubt, after dealing with PE, your
confidence will be a little shaken.
Go back to bed
after treatment for premature
ejaculation and focus on intimacy and intimacy with your partner - not
"performance". Honestly evaluating your sexual behavior,
communicating with your partner, and slowing things down are the best ways to
achieve sexual satisfaction.
Get ready to be
intimate again
Before you jump
on the bed, do some system checks.
Do you feel
healthy? If a deeper physical problem triggers your PE, have you solved the
Do you have
everything you need, including lubricating oil to reduce friction? If you are
using Promescent Climax Control Spray, do you know how to use it for maximum
effectiveness? Have you discussed these issues with your partner so they know
what to expect?
Give it a try
Finally, do you
have any plans for setbacks? Knowing how you will handle stress or new or
changed feelings can help you roll with your fists during sex.
Tell me about it
Talking to your
partner should be the first step towards the sexy age. Share your feelings with
them, including fear and embarrassment. Sex is wonderful when it really makes
you feel it. Here are some preliminary talking points you might want to
Tell me how far
you are. "I've been trying, but I think I've found a treatment that works
for me. That's how it works. "
Be open to
possible speed bumps. "I may need to slow down to do what I want, so if
you notice that, that's the plan."
Share some sexy
thoughts. "I've been waiting to be intimate with you, but I haven't
forgotten my love for your body. Let me count my thoughts on you. "
Put a third party in the equation
No, not a tee
(unless that's your business). We're talking about a neutral third party that
you can talk to, like a therapist. There's nothing shameful about sex therapy,
and if you're worried about your performance, it's helpful to talk to people
who have actually heard and seen it.
In fact,
combination therapy and drug therapy (even if it is an over-the-counter therapy
like Promescent) can be most helpful in coping with PE.
drugs and psychotherapy are the most promising interventions for lifelong and
acquired PE, and are more effective when used alone," Stanley e. Althof
said in a 2016 study published in the journal of translational andrology and
urology. "This is because men and couples learn sexual skills and address
the inner, interpersonal and cognitive problems that cause and maintain
Want some help?
The American association of sex educators, the association of counselors and
therapists (AASECT), or the association of sex therapists and research all have
online databases that you can use to find sex therapists in your area.
Take your time
When you're
recovering from a drought, "next time" isn't necessarily "the
best time." Don't push yourself to be a bed vet, especially if you're a
little tentative.
Instead, focus
on having fun together. Try a dress up class. Check out Netflix and what's
cool. Cook a romantic dinner together - earn bonus points if you feed each
Or try
something that doesn't involve intercourse - it can be a great way to get to
know each other's bodies again without seeing a big end. Try sleeping naked and
enjoying skin contact with your partner - don't initiate sex. Or masturbate
(alone or together)! Exploring your body alone can help you understand yourself
and what it is that wakes you up. Don't forget to compare notes later.
Finally, keep
in mind that you may need to work a little harder. After the drought, both
women and men need to remember how to integrate physically and emotionally. You
know it's worth the wait.